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Burke County
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International Baccalaureate World School
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LaChonna Avery
Assistant Principal
Email LaChonna Avery
Garry Fulcher
Assistant Principal (Testing and Facilities)
Email Garry Fulcher
Dr. Henry Hankerson
Assistant Principal
Email Henry Hankerson
Walter Seabrooks
Email Walter Seabrooks
Dr. Louella Stephens
Assistant Principal
Email Louella Stephens
Dr. Leslie Cooper
Physical Education Teacher, Head Girls Basketball Coach
Email Leslie Cooper
Wade Marchman
Athletic Director
Email Wade Marchman
David Skinner
Email David Skinner
Franklin Stephens
Head Football Coach
Email Franklin Stephens
Mr. Reginald Carswell
Assistant Chorus Director, Head Gospel Choir Director; Band Logistics Coordinator
Email Reginald Carswell
D'Wayne Dubose
Band Director
Email D'Wayne Dubose
Devon Hill
Asst. Band Director
Email Devon Hill
Career Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE)
Ms. Tamela Brihm
CTAE Construction Teacher
Email Tamela Brihm
Allie Crockett
Young Farmer Teacher
Email Allie Crockett
Ms. Alquita Dent
Healthcare Science Instructor
Email Alquita Dent
Teresa Ellison
Food Science Instructor
Email Teresa Ellison
Mr. Mark Flowers
Energy Instructor/TSA Advisor
Email Mark Flowers
Mrs. LaQuida Godbee
CTAE Healthcare Science Teacher
Email LaQuida Godbee
Mrs. Christina Hillis
Graphic Design Instructor / Yearbook Advisor
Email Christina Hillis
Mr. Terrance Jackson
Criminal Justice Teacher
Email Terrance Jackson
Kathy Johnson
Work Based Learning Coordinator/Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator
Email Kathy Johnson
Mrs. Sandra Johnson
Engineering and Technology
Email Sandra Johnson
Mr. Todd Lane
Automotive Instructor
Email Todd Lane
Mr. Gregg Monroe
Healthcare Science Educator; HOSA Advisor
Email Gregg Monroe
AnnMarie Noegel
Early Childhood Education
Email AnnMarie Noegel
Mrs. Deirdre Roberson
Business Education Teacher
Email Deirdre Roberson
Jesse Ruffin
Cybersecurity Teacher
Email Jesse Ruffin
Mr. Reginald Carswell
Assistant Chorus Director, Head Gospel Choir Director; Band Logistics Coordinator
Email Reginald Carswell
Mrs. Rebekkah Crose
Chorus Director
Email Rebekkah Crose
Counseling Department
Michelle Chancey
School Counselor: Cohort 2027
Email Michelle Chancey
Mallory Doyle
School Counselor: Cohort 2025
Email Mallory Doyle
Purvis Dukes
Graduation Coach
Email Purvis Dukes
Lisa Flowers
Registrar/Guidance Secretary
Email Lisa Flowers
Loretta Johnson
Counselor: Cohort 2026
Email Loretta Johnson
George Lee Jr.
Counselor: Cohort 2028
Email George Lee Jr.
Driver's Education, Health and PE
Dr. Leslie Cooper
Physical Education Teacher, Head Girls Basketball Coach
Email Leslie Cooper
JaDerrick Farrow
Email JaDerrick Farrow
Phillip Hale
Physical Education
Email Phillip Hale
Mercedes Hamilton
Email Mercedes Hamilton
Daniel Hance
Drivers Education
Email Daniel Hance
Mr. Tre Hill
Physical Education
Email Tre Hill
Melanie Howard
Email Melanie Howard
Cedric Johnson
Email Cedric Johnson
Bill Knight
Drivers Education
Email Bill Knight
Robert McCarty
Physical Education
Email Robert McCarty
Franklin Stephens
Head Football Coach
Email Franklin Stephens
Mr. Joseph Braddock
Economics Teacher
Email Joseph Braddock
Jesse Ruffin
Cybersecurity Teacher
Email Jesse Ruffin
English Language Arts
Mrs. Tasha Brihm
English Teacher
Email Tasha Brihm
Patrick Farmer
English teacher
Email Patrick Farmer
Ms. Dana Gerald
English Teacher
Email Dana Gerald
James Kitchens
English Teacher
Email James Kitchens
Leigh Lovett
English Teacher
Email Leigh Lovett
Mrs. Ebony Merriweather
English Language Arts Teacher
Email Ebony Merriweather
Mrs. Erin Mobley
English Teacher
Email Erin Mobley
Dr. Tamara Moody
English Teacher
Email Tamara Moody
Mrs. Dorothy Scott
ELA Learning Specialist
Email Dorothy Scott
Ms. Yolanda Travis
English Teacher
Email Yolanda Travis
Exceptional Children
Pamala Bell Williams
Email Pamala Bell Williams
Ms. Eartha Cummings
Learning Specialist
Email Eartha Cummings
Jaime Gallagher
Social Studies Teacher and Learning Specialist
Email Jaime Gallagher
Ms. Green Candace Green
Special Education Teacher
Email Candace Green
Cyrus King
Mathematics / Learning Specialist
Email Cyrus King
Adrian McBride
Learning Specialist, Department Chairperson
Email Adrian McBride
Jesse McCullough
Email Jesse McCullough
Alicia Roberts
Learning Specialist
Email Alicia Roberts
(706) 554-6691
Dr. Pamela Thomas
Email Pamela Thomas
Kathy Johnson
Work Based Learning Coordinator/Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator
Email Kathy Johnson
Mrs. Deirdre Roberson
Business Education Teacher
Email Deirdre Roberson
Jesse Ruffin
Cybersecurity Teacher
Email Jesse Ruffin
Teresa Ellison
Food Science Instructor
Email Teresa Ellison
AnnMarie Noegel
Early Childhood Education
Email AnnMarie Noegel
Faculty & Staff
Loli Anderson
District EL Tutor and Interpreter/Translation Services
Email Loli Anderson
Christey Blanchard
Email Christey Blanchard
Mary Griffin
Attendance/ Discipline
Email Mary Griffin
Desiree Walker
Parent Coordinator
Email Desiree Walker
Sharon Williams
BCHS Office Manager
Email Sharon Williams
Tramaine Wilson
Front Office
Email Tramaine Wilson
Fine Arts
Mr. Reginald Carswell
Assistant Chorus Director, Head Gospel Choir Director; Band Logistics Coordinator
Email Reginald Carswell
Mrs. Rebekkah Crose
Chorus Director
Email Rebekkah Crose
Dr. Stan Dodson
Visual Art Instructor, AP Art, ARTreach Art club adviser, GAEA President, Fine Arts Department Chair
Email Stan Dodson
D'Wayne Dubose
Band Director
Email D'Wayne Dubose
Jennifer Oglesby
Email Jennifer Oglesby
Franklin Stephens
Head Football Coach
Email Franklin Stephens
Foreign Languages
Ms. Nidia Oglesby
Spanish Teacher
Email Nidia Oglesby
Ms. Maria Rivera
Spanish Teacher
Email Maria Rivera
Tonya Torek
Instructor of French I-V, Beta Club Advisor, ESOL Contact, Department Chair
Email Tonya Torek
Mrs. LaQuida Godbee
CTAE Healthcare Science Teacher
Email LaQuida Godbee
Mr. Gregg Monroe
Healthcare Science Educator; HOSA Advisor
Email Gregg Monroe
Instructional Coaches
Mrs. Adrianne Griffith
Math/Science/CTAE Instructional Coach
Email Adrianne Griffith
Mrs. Renee Hickman
Instructional Coach
Email Renee Hickman
International Baccalaureate Programme
LaChonna Avery
Assistant Principal
Email LaChonna Avery
Mallory Doyle
School Counselor: Cohort 2025
Email Mallory Doyle
D'Wayne Dubose
Band Director
Email D'Wayne Dubose
Patrick Farmer
English teacher
Email Patrick Farmer
Jeffery Heggs
Mathematics Teacher
Email Jeffery Heggs
Mrs. Quishawna Henderson
Media Specialist
Email Quishawna Henderson
Mr. Craig Kennedy
Social Studies Teacher
Email Craig Kennedy
Cyrus King
Mathematics / Learning Specialist
Email Cyrus King
Mrs. Ebony Merriweather
English Language Arts Teacher
Email Ebony Merriweather
Ms. Yolanda Travis
English Teacher
Email Yolanda Travis
Mrs. Kimberly Dixon
Math Teacher
Email Kimberly Dixon
Jeffery Heggs
Mathematics Teacher
Email Jeffery Heggs
Ms. Schanequa Jones
Mathematics Teacher
Email Schanequa Jones
Cyrus King
Mathematics / Learning Specialist
Email Cyrus King
Isaac Lee
Mathematics Teacher
Email Isaac Lee
Priscilla Mason
Email Priscilla Mason
Mrs. Ashley Rodriguez
Mathematics Teacher
Email Ashley Rodriguez
Dr. Corey Tanksley
Mathematics Teacher
Email Corey Tanksley
(706) 554-6691
Denise Wright
Mathematics Teacher
Email Denise Wright
Media Center
Mrs. Quishawna Henderson
Media Specialist
Email Quishawna Henderson
Mrs. Margaret Wimberly
Media Center Clerk
Email Margaret Wimberly
Men's Basketball
Purvis Dukes
Graduation Coach
Email Purvis Dukes
School Nurse
Jennifer Dziewiesz
Burke County High School Nurse
Email Jennifer Dziewiesz
Ms. Montana Cagle
Environmental Science Teacher
Email Montana Cagle
Robert Dewitt
Environmental Science Teacher
Email Robert Dewitt
Latrice Gardner
Science Teacher
Email Latrice Gardner
Ashley Hill
Email Ashley Hill
Teresa Jones
Science Teacher
Email Teresa Jones
Andrea Riley
Email Andrea Riley
Lakesha Strong
Science Teacher
Email Lakesha Strong
Skills USA
Mr. Terrance Jackson
Criminal Justice Teacher
Email Terrance Jackson
Social Studies
Mr. Joseph Braddock
Economics Teacher
Email Joseph Braddock
Shannon Cunningham
Email Shannon Cunningham
Mrs. Kimberly Davis
Social Studies Teacher
Email Kimberly Davis
Mr. Jared Deloach
World History Teacher
Email Jared Deloach
Jaime Gallagher
Social Studies Teacher and Learning Specialist
Email Jaime Gallagher
Mrs. Tara Gilpin
US History Teacher/ Social Studies Department Chair
Email Tara Gilpin
Mr. Craig Kennedy
Social Studies Teacher
Email Craig Kennedy
Sara Marchman
Email Sara Marchman
Student Council
Shannon Cunningham
Email Shannon Cunningham
Jeffery Heggs
Mathematics Teacher
Email Jeffery Heggs
Students & Parents
Desiree Walker
Parent Coordinator
Email Desiree Walker
Mr. Mark Flowers
Energy Instructor/TSA Advisor
Email Mark Flowers
Mrs. Sandra Johnson
Engineering and Technology
Email Sandra Johnson
Women's Basketball
Dr. Leslie Cooper
Physical Education Teacher, Head Girls Basketball Coach
Email Leslie Cooper
Women's Volleyball
David Skinner
Email David Skinner
Yearbook (Kodiak Staff)
Mrs. Christina Hillis
Graphic Design Instructor / Yearbook Advisor
Email Christina Hillis
Parent Portal