Educational Support Departments » Media Center » Reservations


"How do I get stuff around here?"

Need to make a reservation for a special event or a particular piece of equipment?

The following spaces and items are available through the MC reservation scheduler and can be reserved for class use:


Spaces available for reservation:

BCHS James D. Smith Auditorium (Seats 2050) Media Center Conference Room
Media Center  Media Center Teacher Workroom



Technology Items Available for Reservation/Checkout

3D Rover 1 DVD Players Sound System
3D Rover 2 Headphones VHS Player
Cassette/CD players Portable Multimedia Projectors  
Digital Cameras Projection Screens  
Procedures for making reservations:


  1. Reservations may be submitted no more than 1 month in advance and no less than 5 business days before the day needed. A confirmation or rejection email will be sent within the same 5 business days.

  1. Items may not be reserved for more than 5 consecutive workdays. Special consideration may be granted if it found the lesson cannot be completed within the 5-day limit. Please see the Media Specialist to discuss extended reservations.

  1. Students must be actively engaged in a lesson or assignment.

  2. If a reservation cannot be kept, please cancel the reservation and free up the resource for use by others.

Use of the Media Center

1. Teachers must accompany their student to and from the MC and must be present with them for the duration of the class.

2. Teachers are expected to actively monitor their students' activities while online and in the MC.
3. Universal library etiquette is expected when using the Media Center. Other classes, conferences, meetings, and office personnel may be working in the MC all at once and everyone must be respectful and quiet conducive to a proper and productive learning environment.


How to Make a Reservation


Procedures for classroom use of equipment:

  1. Teachers should actively monitor students when using the computers, especially when accessing the Internet.

  2. Students should not be allowed to stream music or video. This activity noticeably slows internet access for everyone in the building.

  3. Students should not be allowed to change any settings on the devices. If a student is observed doing so, please refer the student to the media specialist. This is especially true for iPads, which takes much longer to reset.

    *For further information on teacher and student responsibilities concerning computer use in the building, please refer to the Faculty and Bear Facts Handbooks, particularly the sections addressing Computer Use (Network), Computer Use (Web), Social Networking, and the Cybersafety Use Agreement for Students.


To assure the proper care and continued use of the Chromebook labs, please remember:

  1. Unplug printers BEFORE plugging in the lab carts into the wall power sockets to prevent the printer from blowing a fuse.

  2. The teacher should inspect the condition of each Chrome upon receiving the lab and immediately report damaged or missing laptops to the media specialist.

  3. The teacher should distribute the Chromes personally to each student and collect them when finished, so they may be inspected before and immediately after the student uses it. If damage is found, immediately report the incident to the media specialist.

  4. The teacher should devise a log notebook for each lab to manage daily use by students each block. 

  5. When replacing the Chromebooks, the teacher should make sure power cables are not being pinched or cut by the cart doors.



Security of Items

  1. It is the responsibility of teachers to keep all items, including laptops, Chromebooks, cameras, video recorders, DVD players, etc., secure.

  2. The teacher is expected to return all items that were issued with each device, to include SD cards, cables, remotes, chargers, batteries, etc. If not returned, the teacher will be expected to replace the item and will issue a replacement cost.

  3. Teachers should keep the keys to the labs secure. Please do not leave the lab keys in the printer tray unless the lab is secured in a locked room, accessible to students and visitors in the building.

  4. The only time a lab should be left open is when the teacher is present in the room.

  5. Labs should be secured for overnight storage. Chromebooks should be replaced within the lab cart and locked.

Teachers should NEVER:
  1. Allow the labs to be used when a substitute teacher is replacing them for the day.

  2.  Allow students to move or push the lab.

  3.  Remove the power cables from the lab cart.

  4.  Take home or borrow Chromebooks overnight.

  5.  Loan Chromebooks to other teachers or students for use in other classes.