Google Classroom
My class is being taught using the Electronic Platform Google Classroom. If you need our Google Classroom code, please email [email protected], after you have been placed in my class.
Supplies for Health
1. Chromebook
2. Pencil/Pen
3. Notebook Paper
BCHS Mission and Vision Statements
Mission: The mission of the Burke County Public School System is to ignite a passion for learning that leads to excellence.
Vision: Our vision is that each student leaves equipped for a world of possibilities.
Welcome to “Health and Physical Education” where each student is led to total fitness through education. Students in health and physical education will take a holistic approach to wellness. Each student will strive to meet physical goals and have fun doing so. I look forward to working with each and every student. If there is ever a need to speak with me concerning health and physical education, please feel free to contact me via email. Thank you
“Health is Wealth” -unknown