Welcome to Early Child Education
Welcome to Burke County High School – Early Childhood Education Class!
I am so excited to be a part of the Burke County Bear Family. I am looking forward to the opportunity to get to know you, and a successful and productive school year. My name is Annmarie Noegel and I am married to Rusty Noegel and we have four children. This is my 1st year at Burke County High School. I have taught pre-k, kindergarten, PE and special Education High School Science.
I am a graduate of Augusta State University in Augusta, Ga. with a Bachelor of Art Degree in Early Childhood Education.
The standard curriculum areas and classes:
- Early Childhood Education I
- Early Childhood Education II
- Early Childhood Education III
These early childhood classes are healthcare related dealing with: professionalism, communication, body systems (anatomy & physiology), prevention of diseases and treatments, medical terminology, careers and medical office, customer service etc....
Students are asked to bring the following supplies to school: 3 ring notebook with paper, dividers, pencils, pens, erasers, 2-highlighters, composition notebook and optional: 1 box of tissue and hand sanitizer for the class.
My classwork policy is that MOST classwork will be completed in class unless completing a group project/lengthy assignment. Cell phones are not to be used during instruction time or during quizzes, test and class assignments.
Attendance and participation is important as well as a positive attitude and respect towards your fellow classmates and teacher.

Planning period: 1st Block 1st semester
Office Hours: 7:50 A.M. – 9:00 A.M.
Tutoring available as needed after school: Tuesdays 3:15 – 4:00 P.M.
Class Schedule:
1st Semester:
1st Block - Planning 7:50 - 9:30 AM
2nd Block - Early Childhood Education I 9:35 - 11:00 AM
3rd Block - Early Childhood Education I /Lunch (2nd Lunch) 11:10 - 1:10 PM
4th Block - Early Childhood Education II 1:15 - 2:35 PM
Classroom Expectations
Classroom expectations will be covered in class the first week of school/syllabi as well as professionalism/work ethic in class!
Classroom Rule Violations:
First Offense - Verbal warning/Gentle Reprimand/Student-teacher conversation
Second Offense - Parent contact via email, verbal warning to student again
Third Offense - Parent contact & contact AP/ office referral/POSSIBLE ISS
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at (706)554-6691 or via email at [email protected]. I am available between the times listed above Monday – Friday.
Once again, WELCOME to Early Childhood Education. Working together will make this the best year for your child and great memories! Glad to have you in my classes!!!
Best Wishes,
Mrs. Annmarie Noegel