Welcome to Mr. Farmer's Home Page
Contact Info:
Name: Patrick N. Farmer
E-mail: [email protected]
Burke County High School Room #103
Greetings! Together Everyone Achieves More! Let's go TEAM! Without a doubt, it takes a village to raise a child to be a productive citizen. All stakeholders must play their respective roles in helping to mold and shape the minds of today's youth. Being proud to work in Bear Country, I am striving to enrich the lives of students here at Burke County High School. For this school year, I am teaching Technical College Readiness English, IB Personal & Professional Skills, and Advanced Composition.
Personal and Professional Skills, or PPS, is a course designed to introduce students to life skills and to help students operate and thrive in a variety of contexts. PPS explores a variety of knowledge, concepts, skills, and attributes, while supporting IBCP candidates in their learning and engagement in the programme. With the learner at the center, PPS engages students in the areas of personal development, intercultural understanding, thinking processes, effective communication, and applied ethics.
Advanced Composition is designed to meet the needs of students to reinforce fundamentals in reading and writing. Furthermore, this course will focus on enhancing reading comprehension, critical thinking skills, and multi-faceted writing. This course will prepare students to be successful in writing prompts required for college admission as well as the English/Reading sections of the ACT and SAT. Advanced Composition will also emphasize reading comprehension, identifying main ideas, making inferences, and distinguishing between direct statements and supporting ideas. The course will also emphasize sentence structure skills and provide an opportunity for students to review reading and writing skills needed for postsecondary success. The Georgia Standards of Excellence for English Language Arts will support instruction and assessment. The standards from which the course standards are drawn are identified for reference.
In the IB program, I have the following roles: Personal & Profession Skills (PPS) Teacher and Reflective Project Supervisor. The junior focus will be on the themes of PPS, whereas the senior focus will be mainly on the reflective project. I am looking forward to working with my IB students in order to make this year a success. Let's Go TEAM!
* Please check Google Classroom daily for updated information and announcements.
Google Classroom will be the primary digital online platform where all assignments must be completed.
As we are attempting to reduce the amount of paper, these are the main materials needed for class:
- Personal Headphones or earbuds
- Personal flash drive, if necessary.
Virtual Tutoring Days: Days and times will change as needed.
A Little About Me:
Happily married for 12 years to my wife LaMesha, I am the proud father of three awesome boys: Dylan 11 yrs old, Daniel 9 yrs old, and Dallas 7 yrs old. Also, I am the author of two books of poetry: The Conversation Within and The Noise in Between. It is my hope and aim to inspire my students not only to develop a love for reading, but for writing as well. I firmly believe that my students, with the proper guidance and encouragement, can become published authors. As a result, their words will live on for generations to come. Above all, I desire for them to become productive citizens who will be able to compete in a global market, no matter what career path they decide to pursue.

My Daily Class Schedule
FALL Semester
7:50 - 9:25 1st Block: Advanced Composition
9:30 - 11:05 2nd Block: Advanced Composition (Co-taught w/ Mrs. Bell-Williams)
11:05 - 1:10 3rd Block: Planning
1:15 - 2:45 4th Block: IB Personal & Professional Skills Y2
SPRING Semester
7:50 - 9:25 1st Block: Planning
9:30 - 11:05 2nd Block: Advanced Composition
11:05 - 1:10 3rd Block: Advanced Composition
1:15 - 2:45 4th Block: IB Personal & Professional Skills Y1
The mission of the Burke County Public School System is to ignite a passion for learning that leads to excellence.
Our vision is that each student leaves equipped for a world of possibilities.
Links to Standards