Strong, Lakesha » Dr. Strong's Website

Dr. Strong's Website

WELCOME to my website.  My name is Dr. LaKeshia M. Strong and I will be teaching your child this year.  This year will be an amazing year and I am honored to teach your student!  I am looking forward to working closely with you and would like you to know a little about me, as well as some important information about the courses I teach.

This is my third year teaching at Burke County High School. I transitioned to teaching after spending more than 22 years working with the Georgia Department of Public Health.  I have an undergraduate degree in Biology, a graduate degree in Public Health, and a doctoral degree in Health Administration.

***If you need to meet with me please schedule an appointment through me or your child's guidance counselor.  I am located at 1057 Burke Veterans Parkway Room 303. The fastest way to contact me is via email at [email protected] or text me at 706-871.4099.***



Mission:  The mission of the Burke County Public School System is to ignite a passion for learning that leads to excellence.


Vision:  Our vision is that each student is equipped for a world of possibilities.



To view the Student-Parent Handbook please CLICK HERE.


I will be your child's Forensic Science teacher this year. Your child will learn about (1) how physics, biology, and geography integrate to study the environment and the solution to environmental problems or (2) the scientific techniques used in analyzing and examining physical evidence related to criminal investigations.   Please review the class syllabus to stay updated on class expectations and assignments (Google Classroom).  Feel free to contact me for parent-teacher conferences or to schedule tutoring sessions for your student.

The Georgia Standards of Excellence drives this course. You can find them listed in the syllabus and at Georgia Standards. Please click here to get to them and then select the course you want to view.
Your student will submit all assignments either in the classroom via paper or in Google Classroom. To access Google Classroom, please click here, click on Google Classroom, and click on your block.
Don't forget to sign up for the Parent Portal to monitor your child's grades.  Contact the front office to complete this task.

MAKEUP POLICY: If a student misses a test, then he/she has three days to set up arrangements to set up a date and time to make up the test.  If the student does not make arrangements, then the test becomes an automatic (ZERO) 0.  The exception to this policy is the student who is habitually absent on test day.  The student will be informed of the habit and will then make up the test on the first day that he/she returns to class.  Any other exceptions will be handled on an individual basis.

TUTORING OPPORTUNITIES: Tutoring will be offered on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, immediately after school.  Students DO NOT need to make an appointment ahead of time for tutoring.  I am available for morning tutoring by appointment if necessary. Sessions will not last longer than 20 minutes. Students will be given a pass or note to come to my room for morning assistance.  They will need to present the pass to anyone who may stop them while they are coming to get assistance.

  • Be ready to work when the bell rings.
  • Bring all materials needed to class- notebooks, pencils/pens, homework, etc. 
  • Take notes and participate in class activities.
  • Groom before coming to class- this includes, but is not limited to, chapstick or lip gloss, brushing/combing hair, applying lotions or creams, grooming/polishing nails, applying makeup, etc. 
  • Be responsible for getting the work they miss due to absences.  To get this work you need to SEE ME—the TEACHER as your assignment will be based on your needs and not the needs of another student.
  • RESPECT others and other’s property—the school’s, student’s, and teacher’s.—If it is not yours please leave it alone
  • Come to class ready to learn.  If you find yourself getting sleepy please stand in the back of the classroom, if you need reminding I will suggest standing, if you find yourself needing to tell another student something jot it down so you can recall it but speak with them after class.
  • My class is a RED ZONE. This means phones are prohibited. Under certain conditions, the teacher may allow phone usage. 
School Supplies List
  • Pen or Pencil
  • Paper
  • Folder
  • Chromebook
  • Great Attitude
PARENTS:  I am looking forward to a wonderful course with your child.  I strongly believe that TOGETHER we can assist your child in becoming a very successful and productive member of the community.  Please reach out to me with questions or concerns.  I will notify you every 2-3 weeks if your child is failing. Additionally, I may ask for a parent conference every if the student is failing to pass the course.  Please work with me to ensure we have a productive and rewarding school term.
STUDENTS: Tutoring is offered routinely.  Please make sure you attend when you have any questions or confusion.  I expect you to give me my class time so you have the least amount of homework possible.  ALWAYS ask questions.

Here is my class schedule:

Second Semester
  • 1st Block-ForensicScience - 7:50-9:25 AM
  • 2nd Block-Forensic Science - 9:30-11:05
  • 3rd Block-Forensic Science 11:10 AM-1:10 PM
  • 4th Block-Planning -1:15 PM-2:50 PM

Background image  Lakesha  Strong`s profile picture
Lakesha Strong
Science Teacher
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