Britt, Emma » Ms. Britt's Website

Ms. Britt's Website

Welcome back to Burke County High School! I hope you all had a great summer.
This year, I will be teaching the following:
1st Semester                                                               2nd Semester
1st Block: Honors Chemistry I                                     1st Block: Physical Science
2nd Block: Physical Science                                       2nd Block: Planning
3rd Block: Chemistry I                                                 3rd Block: Chemistry I
4th Block: Planning                                                     4th Block: Physical Science
Tutoring will be available as needed by appointment. I coach softball after school, so I am more than happy to tutor before school starts or even during my 4th Block planning if the student's teacher allows it. Once the softball season ends, I will become more available and can tutor after school as well.
If you ever need to reach me, you can e-mail me at [email protected]. I check my e-mail often and respond as fast as I can. You can also call or text me from 7am-7pm during the weekdays at 706-871-4102.
Each student will be asked to join my Google Classroom for their assigned class. They will be given a syllabus with more information on what this entails. As the parent or guardian, you are more than welcome to join as well to know what is going on on a daily basis. I update this daily with what we do along with every handout we use.

I hope we have a great year together learning science! :)

Background image  Emma  Britt`s profile picture
Emma Britt
Science Teacher - Chemistry, Physical Science
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Fun facts about me:
- I love reading! I have read 34 books so far this year.
- I have been teaching for 1.5 years.
- My go to Starbucks drink is an iced chai with cold foam.
- I have a dog named Murphey. She is a miniature Australian shepherd-lab mix.
- I'm the assistant softball coach for our Lady Bears here at the high school!
- I LOVE a good science joke or pun.